School LAND Trust Committee

For more information / questions to serve on committee: contact Mr. Joe Schino,

Proposed Calendar of Meetings 2023-24

  • Time for all meetings 1515-1630

Watch for agendas one week prior to each of these meetings.

The SLT committee reserves the right to postpone or cancel meetings as needed.

Proposed Rules of Order and Procedures

As required by Utah State Code, 53G-7-1203(10), all School Land Trust committees must adopt Rules of Order and Procedure. These proposed orders and procedures will be reviewed and revised (as needed), annually. 

To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse each council member shall:

1. Attend council meetings on time and be prepared to present, discuss, and vote, when needed, on items appearing on the agenda. 

2. Make decisions with the ideas of cadet achievement and teacher support at the core. 

3. Listen to and value diverse opinions. 

4. Be sure opinions of those you represent are included in all discussions. 

5. Expect accountability and transparency from self and others in this effort. 

6. Abide by the UMA motto: "Integrity first; service before self; excellence in all we do."

Proposed Rules of Order and Procedures

  • All meetings are open to the public meaning other parents, teachers, support staff, and cadets. All are welcome to attend. 
  • Agendas and draft minutes of previous meetings will be available a week prior to any scheduled meeting. When possible, meetings will be only be postponed or cancelled no later than 2 business days before the meeting date and time. 
  • Minutes will be kept at each meeting, in draft format for approval at the next meeting. 
  • The committee consists of no less than 4 parents and 2 school employees including the superintendent or principal, but may include any number provided that there is a 2-parent/grandparent majority. 
  •  The chair conducts all meetings, makes assignments, and requests reports on any assignments. In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall conduct meetings.
  • A majority of council members establishes a quorum which is required to vote on any item. 
  • Committee members who notify the chair of an absence will be excused; absences that are not communicated to the chair are considered unexcused and after 3 such absences the committee will consider the seat vacant and will follow up on filling that seat for the remainder of that term.
  • To sustain accountability and transparency, committee members will submit their intent to run for a seat on the board no later than August 31st each year with the election to take place by September 20th. Once the election takes place via hard copy and electronic ballots, the seated board will elect a board chair and vice-chair, on a rotating basis as seats are a two-year term. In the event a vacancy occurs mid-year or term, the board will review balloting from the most current election and populate any vacant seats in that way. 
  • Stating any potential conflict of interest does not rule out participation of any committee member. With cadet achievement and teacher support being the primary objectives, any conflicts would potentially have to do with curriculum, assessments, and other items of an academic or educational nature. Such declarations will be made at the earliest meeting and then each member will proceed with the rest of the committee to conduct the business of the committee. 
  • Meetings will be conducted and actions taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure with motions requested, seconds, and voting and all of the business conducted recorded in the minutes as required in Utah State Code, 53G-7-1203(10).

Does it need an Action?