Forms, Notices, Policies, and Procedures

Fee Schedules

Notices, Agreements & Waivers

Utah Military Academy has a chain of command that outlines who reports to whom, as well as the roles each person has within the organization. It's important because it allows everyone to know their place within the organization and who they should go to with questions or concerns. 

However, UMA recognizes that sometimes there are more serious concerns that arise in the work place that can present a difficult or uncomfortable situation for employees to report to their supervisor in the chain of command.  For these situations, UMA uses STOPit Solutions which provides anonymous incident reporting. STOPit's Anonymous Reporting System empowers UMA's employees to report safety, misconduct, and compliance concerns BEFORE they escalate into a crisis.

For cadet concerns, please continue to report to the appropriate administration or use our anonymous "report a concern" feedback form found here.

STOPIT for Employees

Teacher licensing in Utah ensures your child's teacher is highly qualified to be teaching your child. Utah State Board of Education allows teacher candidates to become licensed via several pathways—University-based programs, Alternate Pathway to Professional Licensure (APPEL), Associate License, Professional License, or a LEA-Specific License. 

Candidates who receive licensure via a Local-Specific License are voted on in an Open and Public Board Meeting and then approved by the Utah State Board of Education. Utah Military Academy recognizes all of the ways for teacher candidates to be licensed to teach at Utah Military Academy.

Below are the percentages of UMA Administrators and Teachers by each type of teaching license. 

  • Professional Licenses - 55%
  • Associate Licenses - 7%
  • LEA-Specific Licenses - 38%

LEA-Specific License - An LEA-Specific educator license, including areas of concentration and endorsements, is issued by the state board at the request of an LEA’s governing body (example: local school board) that is valid for an employee to fill a position in the LEA if other licensing routes for the applicant are untenable or unreasonable.

Associate License - The Associate Educator License is for anyone who wants to teach in Utah but has not completed an educator preparation program but has met the content knowledge proficiency requirement or has a major in the subject area and is going through an educator preparation program. (University-based or alternate program).

Professional License - A Professional Educator license is for teachers who have completed an educator preparation program.(University-based or alternate program).

UMA Charter School LEA-Specific Licensing

Utah Educator Look-up Tool


The Government Records Access and Management Act (“GRAMA”) is a Utah law that provides the public with the right to access certain “records” prepared, maintained or controlled by a government entity. The full text of GRAMA can be found in Title 63G, Chapter 2, of the Utah Code.

GRAMA defines a “record” as “a book, letter, document, paper, map, plan, photograph, film, card, tape, recording, electronic data, or other documentary material regardless of physical form . . . .” However, there are several exceptions, such as records that are considered private, controlled, or protected. For more information on what does and does not constitute a record, see Classification of Records.

No. Records are classified as “public,” “protected,” “private” or “controlled” pursuant to GRAMA. While all records classified as public are subject to disclosure, records classified as protected, private, or controlled are not disclosed unless an exception applies or a court orders disclosure. For a comprehensive list of record classifications, see Utah Code 63G-2-301.

Before submitting a GRAMA request, check to see if the information you are seeking is available on the Utah Military Academy website: 

The following frequently requested records are available online

  • Board Meeting Agendas 
  • Board Meeting Minutes 
  • Financial Summaries

Any person may submit a GRAMA request. The GRAMA request should be directed to the governmental entity that prepares, owns, or retains the requested records. All GRAMA requests must be in writing and must include the following information: • 

  • The requester’s name
  • Mailing address and daytime phone number, if available
  • A description of the record requested with that identifies the record with reasonable specificity

See Utah Code 63G-2-204.

No. The requested record must exist at or before the date of the request.

Governmental entities are not required to fulfill records requests that unreasonably duplicate prior requests from the same person.

Governmental entities have a maximum of ten (10) business days to respond to non-expedited requests and five (5) business days to respond to expedited requests. Expedited requests should include an explanation of how an expedited response will benefit the public rather than the person making the request. See Utah Code 63G-2-204

***If the Governmental entities (in this case, Utah Military Academy) does not provide the requested records, or issue a denial within the specified time period, it is considered the equivalent of a determination denying access to the record. See Utah Code 63G 2-204.